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Inspection methods

The following list outlines the standard inspection methods employed by Applied Laser Solutions Ltd. If you require a different method of inspection then please state it when making your quotation request.

Hole sizes and definition of feature

The hole diameters and definition of feature are measured using a computer-controlled Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) capable of x20 magnification.

Hole location and feature position

Hole and feature positions are measured by using a computer-controlled Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) capable of x20 magnification.

Scribe line position

Scribe line positions are measured by using a computer-controlled Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) capable of x20 magnification.

Pulse depth

Pulse depth is measured using a microscope and a scaled graticule.

Pulse spacing

Pulse spacing is measured using a computer-controlled Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) capable of x20 magnification.

Chips and microcracking

Inspection for Chipping and micro cracks is carried out using a microscope and high intensity light. A dye penetrant is also used for the inspection of micro cracks.

Applied Laser Solutions


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